Free Planet - the ULTIMATE CONSPIRACY THEORY - It's Not Yours, It's All Ours

Posted on the 23 April 2013 by Freeplanet @CUST0D1AN
this post is inspired by the 'valiant efforts' of the Lone Star State to take back their land and run it how they wish, free from Government influence/intrusion as exemplified in this recent documentary that just aired on RT (that I watched the back of but didn't catch the title of)...

...did you watch that? Right, then we shall begin.
You can look applaud the efforts of these Lone Star pioneers to 'take back what's theirs' from a co-opted government gone rogue, driven insane by the LUST FOR PROFIT/ASSET over the 'needs of the people', but remember, the USA was stolen from the people who owned it before them, the 'native americans' if you wanna use that term, those people who may have migrated there (from Russia/Mongolia/China) along the receding ice sheets at the end of the last Ice Age. You stole their land from them with your European viruses and your European weapons and false claims of Royal Sovereignty Under Your False God.
The 'red indians', the Mayan, the Inca, any native aboriginal tribes of man, "It was never their land," but that STILL doesn't mean any invading force should be allowed to 'take it from them'. You can't take what isn't owned. There's nothing more to learn than THIS ONE REALITY, "Anything that you see all around you on a daily basis - you can't just put a fucking flag in it and call it 'yours'." Class dismissed.
Free Planet (literally) means, "It's not yours," this planet is not a valuable trinket to be offered in tactical matrimony. It's not a cloth to cut into lots for You The People to trade among yourselves as slave penance. You can't put your prison-tattooed arm around your prison-food and attempt to 'call it your own'. The irony here is paramount, "Even your prison food isn't yours," it belongs to You The People who pay taxes to keep You The People incarcerated so that you won't steal their profit or property i.e. their prison food.
It has become infected like a gangrenous limb. Society 'teaches' you that 'to own is prime': own, conquer, flag plant. These are the (simple) ways you are controlled, seduction of your democratic freedom: your right to work for minimum wage, your right to own property you can't afford, your right to sit in traffic breathing cancerous fumes. These are the ways you lost your freedom. These are the ways you forgot to be a race of Individuals driven by the DO RIGHT BY mentality of a Free Planet inspired by a 'local resolution to globalist problem, reaction, solution' ethos of Creativity, Passion and Kinship. By 'protecting your ill-gotten gains, your poisonous prison food' you are nothing worse than a virus upon what used to be a once-beautiful homeworld of real Diversity.
But there's hope... if you all just begin to let go of the heredity, let go of the contracts, let go of me, me, me and mine, mine, mine. As soon as you start to think that this Free Planet is a bountiful and righteous place for all living things as equals then you're starting to understand what BEING ALIVE actually means.