Free Planet - the Turtle Custodians of the Comoros

By Freeplanet @CUST0D1AN
chanced upon last night's episode of AFRICA (scroll to 51:00 in this BBC iPlayer link to see where they start talking about the Turtle Custodians of the Comoros) and it got me thinking, "Whether we are in Africa, or in Asia or in the West, shouldn't we be protecting our local wildlife (our migrating visitors and residents alike) and allowing them free passage through what we consider to be OUR territory, OUR coastal waters, OUR skies?"
Think of what could be done by seven billion people (each with an estimated ninety billion neurones in their heads) if we were all to share these Comoran islanders philosophy...
Earth is becoming a homo-sapiens centric planet and by that I mean (soon) the only life form that'll exist on this sun-orbiting world will be humans, that's you and me (and some staple crops like cows, chickens and corn). And you can feel proud of this 'growth' if you want, but is this really of benefit to society, to our children's actual future? What can we learn from a viral race (like ourselves) eternally at war with each other for elitist C4ISR of the earth's limited and delicate resources? What can we all 'learn' from such insane mentality, other than more insanity? More dogma? More slavery? More misery?
Cold, hard science doesn't (yet) hold all the answers to the who what where when and why of our position/role within the galactic system we call 'space'. Sure, it's convenient to consider that mankind is only here for a short period of time and then dies, returning to the stardust from whence he came. But we don't really know. Nor do we really know of the effect of a Diversity-stripped planet upon our LIVING MINDS. I'm talking about symbiosis, obviously. And though not many of us may be sensitive enough to even dwell upon such, there might be an intrinsic link between ourselves and those we share the planet (or even the universe) with. We've all evolved together, after all. We are all a part of the Great Big Equation of Life. I'm not saying I have 'answers' but I am saying that we should consider what we might be destroying.
This planet is not ours to RAPE indiscriminately; it's ours to share in, to replenish, to re-wild - surely?
Shouldn't we all, like the people of the Comoros who gain no financial benefit from their Custodian act, liberate all forms of life from the bottleneck of commercialism and utter, utter annihilation in the name of PROFIT for the few and the murder of Diversity? Wouldn't such Custodianism enrich all our lives and show Big Business and Metered Industry the 'error of its ways'?