Free Planet - the Reality of Living on a Still-cooling Lump of Molten Rock - 120,000 Year Cycle of Renewal

Posted on the 12 November 2015 by Freeplanet @CUST0D1AN

in a recent Free Planet blogpost called SENTENCED TO EARTH, the Vostok ice-core graph of temperature fluctuation over the last half a million showed that there haven't been a number of Ice Ages, as the mainstream media always spins it. And it demands further investigation/speculation...
This is the first shocking conclusion of this Vostok ice-core graph. Not that "Ice Ages happen," but that such a low temperature for this planet is THE NORM. The second shocking conclusion is that every 120,000 years something happens on a global scale that dramatically raises that global temperature by ten degrees, over a period of just a few decades or maybe shorter. This has happened four times in the last half a million years while 'mankind' has been evolving from the apes, or however we made it to the this latest incarnation of Modern Slaves in a Corporate War World.
Every 120,000 years a global catastrophe (radiation from the galaxy's core or blasted by the Sun or a returning meteor shower or the inner vulcanism of the Earth or methane release from carboniferous deposits or four earlier species of man ruining the Earth in the name of profit, ed) causes the surface of Free Planet to heat up on a scale that is sure to cause floods and weather extremes and mass death to all species. What that thing is needs proper investigation so that we can deal with the next time it happens in a way that ensures our survival.
Let's not understate this, "The current iteration of 'man' is living on a galactic knife edge..." so why waste all your time praising false gods and worshipping invented dogmas?
Time to live.
Time to be.