All empires fail.
We all know this. It's fact. Empires fail for all sorts of reasons. But they all follow a similar curve; a bell curve.
Look back through history at the Egyptians, the Babylonians, the Romans, the Viking, the Nazis, the British Empire or Commonwealth, Soviet Russia and today's modern empire The Americans. There's a juvenile thrust when opportunity arises, a middle-age spread when inertia sets in and an often rapid decline into morbidity due to some conflict of interest that leads to total cancerous failure of the system, eventually. From within, is more common.
Empires fail.
So, why do we keep FUNDING's Empire Dreams with our communal subscription? Our blood, sweat and tears; our taxes, as citizens, and bodies, as soldiers?
The guiding premise of 'protect your planet under any circumstance' will always, ALWAYS, trump any self-preservationary Empire defenses. But what does this actually mean? Would it mean bringing down the population of the planet over time?
It makes sense that if there are fewer of us to feed, we can probably feed those who remain better and easier - and this can be done over time, with care for our planet and how we restock what we take. To do this we have to mercilessly crucify the FOR PROFIT financial model that has ruled this earth since time immemorial.
In fact, if you look at the bell curve for HUMAN EXISTENCE, we're just about at the point, right now, where we're accelerating up to the zenith of the bell curve, which can mean only one thing. The descent. And this may be a gradual or catastrophic decline in numbers. But it'll be okay.
As long as we don't allow Big Government to dictate and Big Pharma to decide who should live and who should die. As long as we BAN all large-scale corporate vaccination programmes and educate the general public in the vast area of the bell curve that YOU JUST CAN'T HAVE ALL THE KIDS YOU WANT. India, for example, has grown over the last ten years more than the entire population of North America i.e. 200,000,000 people in ten years.
You don't even need all those kids.
I suspect that if we the seven billion (thus far) inhabitants of this planet just locally, together or as individuals, just understand that we can't keep trying to BUILD THE HUMAN EMPIRE to the detriment of the other balancing factors on this planet (the flora and the fauna) we can effectively NULLIFY THE HUMAN RACE BELL CURVE, and by this I mean we can take ourselves, our very race, off the catastrophic failure curve, for ever. We will succeed because we are taking care of Free Planet like it is a new-born baby. We will succeed because mankind is becoming aware of the balances on both sides of the life equation.
Empire after empire has proven this, nothing will change until we BREAK THE FEUDAL EMPIRE BELL CURVE and support the anarchic-seeming structure of ruler-less rule-less yet benevolent planetary existence alongside our fellow man.
Death to war.Death to profit.Death to boundaries.
Long live a FREE PLANET of creativity, passion and kinship.