Free Planet - DON'T GIVE UP.

Posted on the 03 December 2011 by Freeplanet @CUST0D1AN

this was going to be an entry about pack-responsibility aka non-government but let's see where it goes. The subtitle of this entry is DON'T GIVE UP, and this may seem hard to understand in context of Free Planet but we are faced, as a global race, with extinction of our old life, our 'jobs', our 'what we do'. This is a plan that is meant to ensure our slavery and concrete the Fabian plan of top-down rule the global bankers have been 'girding their loins' for since Rome toppled.
A great, shining megalopolis of steel and tarmac that stretches across the globe like Tokyo now sprawls far north, south, east and west across Japan, soaking up nearby towns and merging with nearby cities. That's what the New World Order wants, an ecumenopolis aka CITY PLANET.
On such a city planet, all the natural resources would have been starved long ago in 'infrastructure' leaving Earth an import world (such as the Japan country is today), the population would be 'restructured' (in the corporate sense) and much of the 'land' would be robotised so that it could create the artificial food and consumer products for those left living in its PHARMA toxic and WIFI poisonous environment. And humanity 'could' survive like this - the human DNA is an adaptive organism and, sure, it would take a few million casualties as the human geneline adjusted and several generations down infertility ravaged the livestock. But the New World Order has factored that loss into its accounts and, let me tell you, it's still looking good for their Ecumenopolis.
Their 1984 surveillance hellhole would have perfectly reverted back to some sort of Dante-esque Pagan-gods paradise of taxes to the sun god, taxes to the rain god, taxes to the food gods, taxes to the air god, taxes the news gods, taxes to the paint-drying gods..... you get the idea. You see what they're resurrecting? A global religion called GAIA that damns you for not paying alms to her. You The People will be held to ransom for any sum they can squeeze out of you, a neo-industrial Dark Age.
THE NEW WORLD ORDER ARE PARASITES, preying upon You The People. They label you "sheople". They mark you like cattle, like corporate chattle, goods. Your birth certificate shows you are OWNED over some national debt that was accrued in your name. I mean, look at the tyranny, the brainwashing that's going on all around you - even recent mainstream media studies support the idea that little liars make great leaders. I mean, come on. Wake up. Grow up. Accept responsibility for your world, rather than letting the school bully run his gang territory how he/she wants.
And where does this fit into the pack-responsibilities debate?
Well, I got to thinking this morning, about Wildebeast. Well, that's not entirely true, I got to thinking about 'herd animals' like horses and cows and sheep and how (without governmental intervention at the top end) these pastoral herds just 'got on' with the organisation of their communal/nomadic lives and ... 'wildebeest' just popped into my head.
And it was their 'natural predators' that made me think of 'wildebeest'. Domesticated animals don't really have natural predators (we killed them all); apart from a few foxes in hen houses. It got me thinking about the lions, "How does a wildebeest understand the lion?"
Well, obviously he doesn't. To the wildebeest, the lion is a demonic appirition with insane speed, stamina, teeth and claws that somehow pops out of the tall grass to take away his family members. The lion avatar is a part of the wildebeest's migrating social structure where the weakest (the old, the young, the less observant) are picked off one by one. The lions keep the wildebeest in a constant state of fear and worry about their future. Sorta how the corporate world's mergers and acquisition setup works, sorta how the banking sector's monopolisation of debt works, sorta how governments (with the help of mainstream corporate media) works.
But unlike the lion, the financial beast has a NEGATIVE SIZED STOMACH... basically, the structure of the financial beast's stomach is such that it has to eat far more meals per day than a normal stomach could possibly digest. It's like it has several other non-lion stomachs, tucked away somewhere in the tall grass, that need feeding before its own groaning stomach can be fed. So the financial lion runs around the Endless Plains massacring everything they see. The New World Order will never feed their other stomachs, they are fighting a losing battle against monetisation.
Man has become the prey of predatory financial instruments - he is enslaved by his own cleverness and hunted down like a piece of meat. But man is not the same as the shivering wildebeest. Man can find the lair of the lion and ravage its pack with their immense number. There are seven billion of US and only a few thousand of THEM (once their number have mutinied and blown the whistle, as is happening more and more these days) and they cannot survive the INGENUITY OF MANKIND to transform itself from sheople to people, and rid the world of these PROFIT-based predatory structures that are decimating our populace and hammering our communal spirit.
This transformation will take place and a new planet will erupt from the fiery deluge, a FREE PLANET where those who've survived can help 'heal this planet', using their intelligence and community to fend off all threats to the beauty and abundance of their homeworld.
Given the ability to achieve and fulfill, it's much easier for mankind to live in peace than it is for them to go to war. The future is a FREE PLANET, I know this now like I know the sun will shine for the next few million years no matter what the universe throws at us. We will survive this insane 'conspiracy' period in man's history. In fact, we will be victorious and will very soon, once again, live on a vital and diverse planet rippling with Passion, Creativity and Kinship.