Free Planet - Creativity, Passion & Kinship - Part Three

Posted on the 29 January 2012 by Freeplanet @CUST0D1AN
Kinship is not about Brotherly Love or some hippy-like Kumbaya hugging thing... except that it is, via PATENTS.
You mean those pieces of paper that assign OWNERSHIP to ideas?
Yeah, patents.
It's time we realize that ALL OF MANKIND'S INTELLIGENCE is ours to share; all. of. it. Seriously. On a Free Planet, there's no longer any need to make profit or enslave others to do so. The world is free, from one God handed down to EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THE SEVEN BILLION UNIQUE INDIVIDUALS ON THIS HOMEWORLD.
Why don't you realize this?
Why haven't you clicked that you're not supposed to be AT WAR with the need to generate finance? You're not supposed to live or die at some slave driver's behest. You're not supposed to owe your life to some overlord. You're not supposed to pay some self-appointed prince to live on his land.
Kinship, where does that tie in then, where there are 'pack leaders' and 'minions'? Well, simple human society (as we've been spoon fed it) tells us that, "This is the way it is."
WELL, FUCK THAT. And I'll address this to a small collective of several thousand money-makers who think they own this planet. FUCK YOU. We're beginning to wake up to your corporate tyranny, we're beginning to realize that this state of affairs has existed before in recent history.
The 'commoners' forced to live in destitution.
The 'aristocracy' don't pay any taxes.
The connection lost between reality and THE GAME that the 'elite' are playing.
Sound familiar? It should. It's THE EXACT SET OF CIRCUMSTANCES that led to the 'Marie Antoinette eats cake' French Revolution with its guillotining of the royal families and sub-families of France. Okay, it took a lot, it always takes a lot to push You The People to start to stand up for themselves, that's the way of a beleagured public majority who've been trained in the ways of Corporate Compliance.
But this is coming to an end, this is the real revolution, this year, ON A GLOBAL SCALE, real Kinship will bond together those who thought they owned the place with the REAL OWNERS of the place i.e. every body else. The patents will be released from their private prisons. The elite haven't even taken this outcome into account, they're the ones that are TRULY ASLEEP to the potential of mankind and the power of kinship.
Get ready, it's gonna be a great time for EVERYONE.
See also: part two and part one