Frank the Pug

By Sue15cat

Frank the Pug   After my doggy post of yesterday I feel I really have to do this one today.   I know what I would feel like if my gorgeous girl Suky had been stolen, so my heart goes out to Frank's owner Phil.  Imagine coming back to your van when you have just nipped into the supermarket for a quick shop and your beloved pet was no longer there.   Frank had only been in the left in van for the fifteen minutes it took him to grab some essentials, because Phil had been burgled three weeks earlier at home and he didn't want to risk leaving his beloved pet in the house by himself.  How cruel is the hand of fate sometimes.   Today there are around fifty Pug owners and their Pugs visiting Asda to give the thief someone to hand Frank back to.   The idea is that we will all be wandering round with our Pugs and if someone comes up to us with a Pug we simply take it and return it to it's rightful owner.  No prosecution, no questions asked, we are just trying to get Frank home where he belongs, at his Masters side.    Frank the Pug

Yes, me and Suky are traveling to Manchester to help in any way we can, and my lovely, lovely Mum and brother are going to meet me there to see what is going to be a rather large gathering of Pugs and hopefully tucked away in their midst will be little Frank.
A link to the Please Find Frank Facebook page   Fingers crossed for a happy ending to this sad tale.   Sue xx