Frank’s Brown Ale – Strange Fellows Brewing

By Mike @mikescraftbeer

From Strange Fellows Brewing in Vancouver comes their "Frank's Brown Ale". The beer pours a brown colour with a light brown head. The aroma consists of roasted malts, nuts, chocolate and caramel. The flavour is of toasted malts, nuttiness, chocolate, caramel with a hint of toffee. The alcohol content comes in at 5% with an IBU of 16. This beer made to honor Frank Appleton one of two of the founders of the craft beer movement here in BC is a well made basic brown ale that hits on all the points needed to be an enjoyable addition to the scene.

Commercial Description: Inspired by the first recipe for Frank's Nut Brown Ale made at Yaletown Brewing Company circa 1994, our Frank's Brown Ale honours Frank Appleton - the father of craft brewing in North America. In the early 80's, Frank and John Mitchell opened North Americas first "micro brewery" in Horseshoe Bay, BC. This English style ale brings together several specialty malts, using hops only to balance its rich chocolaty backbone.

Food pairing as per the brewery: Burgers & Fries, Stew.

This entry was posted in Brown Ale and tagged bc, brown ale, caramel, chocolate, craft beer, frank's brown ale, nuts, nuttiness, nutty, strange fellows brewing, toasted malt, toasted malts, toffee, vancouver.