France, Memories of a Past Life

By Richard Randall @aude11360

It’s been over two years now since we sold our house in France and headed off to travel the World for 2 years (Zoqy Travel Blog).
Now that our latest travels are over, and we’re currently settled living in the North of England, and it is Winter, my mind sometimes wanders back to our life in France.
I only wish I had more photos to peruse. I must have taken thousands of photographs during our time in France, but very few of them are online. Instead, they are stored on a hard-drive which is currently living in my parents loft in London.
Soon we will ‘pop back’ to see my folks, and whilst we’re there we’ll collect all of the stuff we have stored up in their loft. Then I will upload all of my old photos to my Flickr account, and also a few to Instagram, and no doubt I’ll flood the web with images.
I must have over 10,000 photos that are not currently online. For now the few photos I’ve included on this blog post will have to do.
Vive la France!

Blog post by Richard Randall