Fracture Five for Friday

By Khourianya @khourianya
I am beyond swamped in all facets of my life right now so I didn't exactly make the cutoff for Three Things here's my Five for Friday...just an FYI - I almost added another choice F word to the title but wanted to keep this family friendly.
1) My head is swimming from all of this fracture shit.   Sure, I've been living with this thing for MONTHS now, but to finally be on track to actually get it healed is taking up so much of both my physical space and my head space.
Had another appointment with Dr. Dale.  Yes - my shin is still fractured.  The report didn't say anything about my left foot (likely because the requisition was for the right shin) BUT he agrees something does appear to be up with that and that it is likely also a fracture.  Can I get a YAY?  No wait - let's not start cheering as this story worsens...
He adjusted my foot and boy has it been tender since.   In fact - when I woke up on Thursday, it took a few minutes before I could put my weight on it.  It feels better today. ***
2) Had my first Graston treatment.  YOWIE WOWIE!!!!  
In case you've never seen one before - this is the instrument of torture...I was lucky that the scissors were there for size comparison...
Ok - it hurt.  Though after the build up everyone gave me - it wasn't nearly as bad as I was expecting.  I may have only squealed 4-10 times while he did it.
Ice was a must after this particular treatment...I had to come up with a creative icepack holder from the tech shirt I keep in my drawer and an elastic band...
Practically office appropriate.  I think it really showcases my ankles...
Then, that afternoon - I had all kinds of fun watching my bruise develop.

Wow does this every hurt, but I remain optimistic...
*** 3) I have a new best friend in this fracture Nelly.   

Ok - I don't know if that's her real name, but I had to have some sort of name for her since we'll be hanging out every day.

She is a bone growth ultrasound machine.  I need to strap it over the fracture and press the on button.  20 mins a day per fracture.   
She's better be working hard too - because honestly I don't feel a damn thing when it's on. The beauty of ultrasound.   Then again - when I had to get ultrasounds with the twins I usually had a full bladder and massive discomfort so my ultrasound frame of reference maybe a bit skewed.
I was instructed to not only use it on my shin but, since I have it, to also treat my ankle just in case it is fractured.
*** 4) If we don't start seeing progress quickly under this new course of treatment - Doc says I may have an aircast in my future. He says that it might just come down to really cushioning the impact of the walking I do.   Just in case, I've already been brainstorming with the other bridesmaids on how we can bling it up for the wedding in early August.
Maybe like this but in blue....


*** 5) I now have a few recommendations for new runners to look at.  A couple of Mizunos and a more cush Saucony.   I will need to go to Strides or Gords closer to when I can start running again to see what else is out there and right for me given this new insight into my bone crushing running style.