Foxgloves PDX

By Bewilderedbug @bewilderedbug

If you remember I grew up in Trinidad, a small island at the bottom of the Caribbean.

Needless to say it’s warm…no, it’s hawt (and yes the “awt” version is appropriate).

So there were no need for gloves.

graphic from Wikia Disney

I did find them elegant though, I mean, who did not look at Disney’s Cinderella in her gorgeous ballgown complete with long gloves all the way up her arm?  Who didn’t sigh romantically (inwardly or outwardly) and think, man, I want to look like her.

So, when the opportunity came for me to go to my first graduation ball, I decided I had to have gloves.  I got stretchy white gloves that reached all the way to my elbow and had spectacular ruching all the way up my arm.  Very elegant.  Or so I thought as I wore my forest green velvet sheath with lace swags over my shoulders with the gloves.

Wow, it really is easy to make you laugh!…

Anyway, the gloves were the hit of the night for me and my friends.  They were so HOT that I graciously *cough* allowed *cough* my friends to try them on *cough*.  Yes, the guys tried them on too.  One thing I found about the gloves were that I couldn’t work my hands properly….so I had to remove them to use my cutlery for dinner and eventually, because they were so hot, ended up taking them off completely as my friends and I celebrated our exam success under the non-airconditioned, open-air pagoda under the night sky.

My other graduation balls had a lot less fuss and a lot less gloves.

So it wasn’t until I moved to Canada and winter hit that I realized that maybe, just maybe, gloves do make sense.  I quickly learned though, that I am horrible at not-losing gloves.  The first gloves I had were a pair of lined leather babies that my father bought for me the first year I was in Canada.  I had those until a few years ago because they really started looking dishevelled (read: completely faded and cracked and pretty much dead after a decade of use).  I loved them, so they were the only gloves I had that lasted me more than one year!

I therefore tend to buy dollar store gloves that I don’t cry over when I lose them.  They are quite thin, but I prefer using these on most days because I can use my fingers.  I have tried mittens, but really, what can you do with mittens on your fingers other than the regal little queenly wave that you have no reason to do whatsoever, but that’s fun once in a while (okay yes, you can laugh again…not that you needed permission).

What I found worked really well for me, was the dollar store gloves UNDER the mittens, so that I at least had one layer of protection at all times.

Then I discovered longer gloves again.  It kept my ARM warm, not just my hands!  I loved it – and to be honest, the longer gloves had a little bit of that elegance I had originally been attracted to in gloves – even if it were under my big, bulky winter jacket.

I also discovered the glove/mitten combo that allowed you to flip the mitten part back to use your fingers – and my most successful try, thus far, for winter weather, was the long glove/mitten combo that combined all the warmth (okay, most of the warmth) with the function.  I promptly lost these halfway through this winter when I went to dinner with some girlfriends.

I still, however, haven’t found a solution for the “in-between” seasons.  My options were to sweat away in my winter gloves, or to freeze my hands in my jacket pockets until it got cold enough to wear gloves.  And if I did wear my darling dollar store specials, that were just warm yet cool enough, then I can’t use my all-necessary iPhone that contains my entire life.

Aren't they fun?!

This is why I was SO excited to hear about Foxgloves fingerless gloves.  They are long and elegant like Cinderella-type gloves, yet fingerless to allow me to live my digital life on the run and stylish.  They come in a variety of colours and fabrics, fit like a glove (ha ha – see what I did?  They are gloves and they fit like…okay find I’m a bit of a nerd) and are oh-so-comfy.

I had the opportunity to try their black and white striped version, and they are so much fun.

They are really long!

I have to admit, they are not quite me, but they are quite fun and if I were more dramatic, these would definitely be a fun addition to my wardrobe.  They are made of a stretchy cotton knit, similar to a good quality jersey fabric and are extremely comfortable.  They are an excellent choice for the in-between seasons when you want a little extra coverage on your arms for the evening chill.  And they reach way above my elbow (completely sold).

In retrospect, even though I think I would prefer some of the other finishes, I believe the black and white is perfect for someone who is dramatic, a younger person who wants to impart a bit more fun into their wardrobe or someone who just loves black and white and have the joyous personality to pull it off.

In the meantime, I’ll drool over the lace and mesh gloves on the site, as well as the dressy fingerless gloves that are made of velvet or that have incorporated the awesome sparkles (sparkles make me happy).

Foxgloves PDX has decided to treat one of you with a pair of these black and white fingerless gloves!  Like I said, they are extremely comfy, quite stylish and very very useful.

Please feel free to fill out the rafflecopter form below, say hello to them when you visit their facebook page and good luck!

This giveaway is open to North America only.  Good luck!

OH – and also (this is very important so pay attention) if you happen not to be the lucky person who wins this and you really want to get a pair of these gloves, Foxgloves PDX  has also decided to offer you free shipping on your orders if you mention that you read about them on this blog while you are checking out (just add a note in the ‘Add Special Instructions to the Seller’  area).