Our bauble free Christmas tree. How magical are Christmas trees?♥ We spent this morning in the kitchen. The sherry was open - couldn't quite wait 'til Christmas.♥ First attempt at clementines in caramel. Not quite there yet. Caramel takes confidence.
♥ Our eldest son is home from uni.And his washing and his music. Love it.
♥ Time for a Sunday roast and gravy has been made in advance for Christmas day.
♥ Lighting the fourth Advent candle at home - now hiding on the sill behind the tree.
♥ An evening carol service.
♥ Home to light more candles.
♥ Dad has been in hospital this week. He was home after 3 days. So grateful.
Hope you are well. Not signing off for Christmas yet - I will be back before the big day xo