Four Ways To Cope When The Going Gets Tough

Posted on the 08 March 2020 by Loup Dargent @loup_dargent

Woman holding her head (image via

No life is without its challenges, and it would be unrealistic to expect completely smooth sailing all of the time. That's why developing healthy coping mechanisms is so important for everyone - and especially if you have kids to teach those skills to as well. Managing well and having appropriate outlets for stress ans being able to stay calm will serve you well no matter the depths of the situation you encounter. Whether it's going through a personal situation like a divorce or facing redundancy, processing past trauma, or simply not letting the smaller day-to-day incidents build up, learning some tips and techniques can serve you well.

Source Professional Support

Gaining the right support is definitely the first step towards bouncing back from a difficult situation. Informal support from your network of family and friends is invaluable, but it can't replace the appropriate professional help when you're really struggling. Whether it's making contact with an addiction specialist to begin a process of recovery or finding lawyers that specialise in boy scout abuse to begin a journey out of trauma, getting the right help counts for so much. It can be extremely hard to open up, but once you take that step, you're on the road to healing.

Consider Journalling It Out

The process of journalling can be a very helpful way for some people to work through their emotions. Sometimes it's easier to process events and work out feelings in writing, as it gives a critical distance from events. Over the years, people have found keeping a diary to be an extremely helpful process. Don't get too hung up on what to write - go for a stream of consciousness approach and just see what comes up. Journals can also provide a really useful marker in a recovery process of exactly how far you've come.

Show Yourself Some Love

So many people still see self care as somehow selfish, when actually it's indispensable, especially when you have been through a low period or a traumatic event. Often we put additional stress on ourselves by feeling that we have to be seen to be coping just fine without any help. If you've always found that booking a massage, taking a deep bath or using a mindfulness app helps you to feel more grounded, then ramp up that practice and make it a part of your daily routine. What's good for the soul is good for your recovery.

Make Exercise A Part Of Your Life

Getting out into the fresh air and recovering is one of the best things that you can do to help yourself. Exercise releases feel-good hormones called endorphins into your system which can give you a vital boost during tough times. Not to mention all the other positive effects cardiovascular exercise has, from increasing mental focus and problem-solving abilities, to helping to reset your circadian rhythms and get you better quality sleep. So finding a favorite home yoga routine or fitting in a quick run can make a huge difference. Taking small positive steps each day can speed your recovery and give you something to focus on.