Four Situations That Might Result in Serious Injury

By Kaidarul @KaiDarul

If you're in a combat situation, a regular first aid kit won't have the tools and supplies necessary to keep you alive until medevac. You'll need a bag more carefully prepared for the demands of special ops. Here are four essentials for high-pressure situations that might result in serious injury.
A good tourniquet can literally mean the difference between life and death in the field. Hemorrhages are one of the deadliest side effects of those with severe wounds, so don't put your fate in the hands of something cheap or non-military grade.
Chest Seals
If you get hit with a bullet or flying piece of shrapnel, you'll need a way to stop the bleeding fast. Chest seals can adhere to the wound and add precious minutes to your life. Just make sure you purchase a pack that comes with at least two seals for both entry and exit wounds.
Combat Gauze
Regular gauze, the kind you can pick up in a drugstore, just isn't strong enough to deal with serious traumatic bleeding. You need a special kind of combat gauze that quickens clotting, contours to wounds and absorbs blood faster than their civilian counterparts.
Israeli Dressings
These versatile dressings make an excellent addition to any first aid kit. Not only are they small, adjustable and easily portable, but they even have a built-in pressure bar for maximum efficiency. They're also a favorite among active military personnel overseas, so they have a field-tested seal of approval.
These are just a few must-haves for tactical medical kits. Find out more by clicking here.