Four Books

By Sara Zwicker @SaraZwicker

Hi all–how’s your week going so far?  I can’t believe another week has gone by and it’s Friday! Today is going to be quite busy, my Mom is coming to stay with us for the weekend, which I am REALLY excited about, I have my annual physical at the Drs, and I have a TON of shopping to do tonight, including picking up what I hope is an amazing birthday cake to get ready for Robyn’s birthday party tomorrow.  I am glad to have an extra set of hands to help for tomorrow, that’s for sure!

Anyways, sticking with our Friday theme over the past few weeks, we are continuing the 10 Day You Challenge.  Today is about four books.  As most of you who have followed me for some time now know, I LOVE to read, almost as much as I love to workout. I read at least 1-2 books a week, sometimes 3-4 depending on what is going on at home, so narrowing it down to just 4 books may be the hardest part of this challenge thus far. Because of that, I decided to list my 2 all time favorite books and 2 that were childhood favorites that I read to Ashton frequently and I still love.

Four Books

1. To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee

I can’t remember the first time I read this book, I believe it was an junior high school, but it was a very powerful and moving story to me, one that I continue to go back and read and is by far, my all time favorite book.

2.  The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald

The Great Gatsby comes in a close second and is another classic that is so well written.  I actually do remember the first time I read this book, it was in 9th grade English Lit class and I remember feeling so engaged in the book that I could barely put it down.  I love the book so much that I can’t bear to watch the movie because I am so afraid they didn’t do it justice.  Anyone see it?

3. On the Night You were Born by Nancy Tillman

I still tear up EVERY SINGLE TIME I read this book to Ashton, which is often.  It is my all time favorite book to read him.

4.  Where the Wild Things Are by Maurice Sendak

It was a toss up between this book and The Monster At the End of this Book by Jon Stone. I love both so much, but I REALLY love the pictures in this book, so that along with the story push this one to the top of the list!

That’s it my friends. I hope you all have a wonderful weekend.  Be safe, laugh a lot, get a good sweat on and I’ll see you all on Monday!


Question of the day

What is your favorite book (adult or children’s)?