Fountain in the Dark with Snow [then Blue Silk]

By Bbenzon @bbenzon
I took this on December 9, 2017 at 7:33 PM with my Panasonic DMZ-AS7. This is how the photo looked out of the camera:
Fountain in the dark with snow [then blue silk]
As you can see, there's not much there to work with. I had to boost the exposure a lot, which made for a very grainy image. I smoothed it and spit out two renderings, one in color and one in black and white. Last night, at 3:15 AM I brought up the color version is boosted the color a bit, but as you can see, there's still not much color there:
Fountain in the dark with snow [then blue silk]
And then I did a blue/orange:
Fountain in the dark with snow [then blue silk]
Over the last week or so, since the selfies episode, I've taken to doing blue/orange versions of various shots. Why? Why not? I've experimented a lot with these gradients over the years (it's a feature in Photoshop), so I've got a feel for how they work. I like the idea of taking one simple gradient and applying it to a variety of shots, just to see how they look.
Who knows, maybe I've got Mingus on my mind. He wrote a tune entitled, "Orange was the color of her dress, then blue silk."