Founders Breakfast Stout 2013

By Bolanrox

I am pretty sure it was only sitting on the shelves a few minutes before i snatched it up.

This was my first time trying it, as i had missed out on last years release.  Having heard about it for months now i hoped it could live up to the hype.

Breakfast Stout pours jet black with a bubbly but extremely fast fading khaki head.  Nose had a slight coffee hint to it.

Tasting was smooth next to no carbonation, Alcohol was there but just enough to be warming and not take away anything from the experience.  Making this more of an easy sipper with dinner and a relaxing with a snifter Imperial Stout.

Much like North Coast’s Old Rasputin I could drink more than one in a sitting and not be worn out by the flavors, my main issue with Dominions Morning Glory.

I want to try another bottle or 2 before I make a final call, but I am still on the fence on which I preferred more,  this or Old Rasputin.  Either though is a very good and recommended choice for enjoying this Fall.