Found Online: 8 Secret Spots to Hide Valuables at Home

By Jakemontgomery @LTDOnlineStores

Do you have a lot of small valuables in your home that you’d like to keep hidden and safe? There are a lot of clever solutions to the problem, but these 8 ideas from Apartment Therapy are some of the best we’ve seen! Be sure to check them out. Below is a preview of the article; click the link to go read the full article yourself! You might just be inspired to try some of these stashing ideas yourself!

A friend of mine was recently burglarized. Their place was completely ransacked in the process and several valuables were stolen. Fortunately, a few of the most precious items were left unscathed because they were hidden away in a small storage safe disguised as book, hidden in a pile of other hardbound copies.


via Apartment Therapy | Saving the world, one room at a time.

Click the link above to read the full article!