Found: Hanna’s Necklace on Pretty Little Liars

By Thelawsoffashion

Dana Rebecca Lauren Joy Necklace  $275

 As you know, I am obsessed with everything Pretty Little Liars.  It is a good show but it has fabulous fashion on it every week, in the form of at least 4-5 main characters!  They all have great and unique styles.  So there is always something for everyone to love.

For the entire 3rd season, Hanna has been wearing the same necklace.  I have never seen something so constant on the entire show.  But I can understand why.  This necklace goes with everything, complements everything, and is the complete definition of a classic.

The price point is ok.  It is made with diamonds after all.  I can’t find anything at a lower price point that looks so fabulous.

Also seen on: Mila Kunis and Demi Moore. And hopefully me, if my husband gets this hint…