Fort Street E1...

By Bollards Of London @bollardoflondon

Metropolitan Borough of Shoreditch...

We have found this type/style/design of bollard (above) before with the lettering 'M B S' which stands for the 'Metropolitan Borough of Shoreditch. What I've never seen before is a bollard like this painted in the 'Corporation of London' colours which are white/red/black.
Rare to find an old Metropolitan borough bollard decked out in the Corporations colours, is this a case of a bollard grab ? If we look at the photograph (below) we see the the bollard next to a rather pleasant ornate  dandy lamp post.

Nice ornate lamp post...

If we take a look at the bollard (below) you may notice that it is plain compared to the majority of City of London bollards but it is also a little slimmer than the usual we find around and within the square mile.

Another different City of London bollard...

Bollards of London...