Forming a Bond With Your New Child During the Holiday Season

By Momatlast @momatlast

Mother-Child Bonding During the Holidays

For many people, the holiday season is a very stressful time of year. There are presents to buy, relatives to see and of course, a number of holiday meals to prepare and attend. Add to that mix the idea of bringing home a newly adopted baby, advice coming at you from all sides, and it’s enough to make any new mother feel a little stressed. Here are some great tips on how to foster mother-child bonding during the hectic holiday season and still keep your friends and family involved in the festivities.

The Best Baby Advice – Keep it Simple

Remember, depending on the age of your new family addition, your schedule will have to change to meet their needs. There are several easy things you can do to encourage effective mother-child bonding. Stories before bed are a simple, yet effective way of spending quiet time with your new baby. Advice experts agree that it’s best to keep your social schedule simple and straightforward and remember to take time out for baking cookies together (if you’re parenting a toddler or older child), decorating the house, or just rocking your new baby to sleep to the familiar sounds of traditional holiday music. For now, skip the company holiday parties, or going to your friends’ places for presents and good food. There’ll be plenty of time to visit with them once you and your baby have gotten into a set routine. For now, the best baby advice you can get is to concentrate on spending time with your little one.

Keep Those around You Involved in Parenting Toddlers & Newborns Alike

Of course, just because you’re concentrating on staying in and spending time with your adopted baby during the cold winter months doesn’t mean that you should shun all your friends and family. As the saying goes, it truly takes a village when parenting a toddler or newborn baby – it’s hard work!. Talk with your friends, neighbors and family about helping around the house, or helping entertain an older child for a few hours a week. That way, you’ll be able to concentrate on feeding, nuzzling and making your new edition part of the family.

Above all, father and mother-child bonding with your newly adopted baby takes time and a concerted effort on the part of both parents. It is important to hold, caress and spend a great deal of time forming your new family. Sharing special time with dad or mom, holiday stories at bedtime and delicious treats you make together can make for some unforgettable holiday

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