Formidable Forms Vs Ninja Forms: Best Contact Form Plugins

Posted on the 24 July 2023 by Wbcom Designs @wbcomdesigns


In the ever-evolving world of online business and communication, website owners and developers often seek efficient ways to collect data, engage with users, and foster meaningful interactions. This is where WordPress form builder plugins come into play. Among the popular choices, Formidable Forms and Ninja Forms stand out as reliable solutions for creating and managing various types of forms on WordPress websites.

In this comparison, we will delve into the key features, user experience, add-ons, support, and pricing of both Formidable Forms and Ninja Forms. So, let’s explore the world of WordPress form builders and discover which one suits your needs best: Formidable Forms or Ninja Forms.

1. Formidable Forms

Formidable Forms is a popular WordPress plugin that serves as a powerful and flexible form builder solution. With its user-friendly drag-and-drop interface, it allows website owners and developers to easily create a wide range of forms, from simple contact forms to complex multi-page surveys. The plugin offers a comprehensive set of features, including advanced form fields, conditional logic, file uploads, payment integrations, and email notifications. Formidable Forms also provides various add-ons and extensions to further extend its functionality, making it a versatile tool for creating dynamic and interactive forms on WordPress websites.

2. Ninja Forms

Ninja Forms is a widely-used WordPress form builder plugin that enables users to create and manage forms with ease. Featuring a user-friendly drag-and-drop interface, it allows users to design forms effortlessly, even without technical expertise. The plugin offers essential features such as conditional logic, multi-page forms, email notifications, and file uploads. Additionally, Ninja Forms supports integrations with popular services like PayPal and MailChimp, enhancing its functionality. With a variety of add-ons available, users can further extend their capabilities and tailor the forms to suit their specific needs.

Comparison of Formidable Forms vs Ninja Forms

Formidable Forms and Ninja Forms are both popular WordPress form builder plugins that allow users to create and manage various types of forms on their websites. Here’s a detailed comparison of the two plugins based on various aspects:

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1. User Interface and Ease of Use:

  • Formidable Forms: Known for its intuitive drag-and-drop interface, Formidable Forms offers a user-friendly experience for creating complex forms with ease. It provides a visual form builder that lets you design forms by simply dragging and dropping form fields.
  • Ninja Forms: Similarly, Ninja Forms offers a user-friendly interface with a drag-and-drop form builder that allows you to create forms effortlessly. It’s designed to be beginner-friendly and straightforward to use.

2. Features and Functionality:

  • Formidable Forms: Formidable Forms is known for its extensive feature set. It offers advanced form fields, multi-page forms, conditional logic, file uploads, frontend editing, payment integrations (e.g., PayPal, Stripe), email notifications, and more. It also has robust integration capabilities with other third-party services and tools.
  • Ninja Forms: Ninja Forms provides a wide range of features as well, including drag-and-drop form building, conditional logic, multi-page forms, email notifications, file uploads, and spam protection. It also supports several popular integrations like PayPal, MailChimp, and more.

3. Extensions and Add-ons:

  • Formidable Forms: The plugin offers a variety of useful add-ons, such as views, graphs and charts, user registration, user-submitted posts, and more. Some of these add-ons are available as part of their higher-tier plans.
  • Ninja Forms: Ninja Forms also has a collection of extensions that can extend the functionality of the plugin. Add-ons include front-end posting, PDF form submission, CRM integration, and more. Some of these extensions are available as part of premium bundles.

4. Templates and Styling:

  • Formidable Forms: Formidable Forms comes with a set of pre-designed form templates to help users get started quickly. It also allows for extensive customization, so you can easily style the forms to match your website’s design.
  • Ninja Forms: Similarly, Ninja Forms provides a selection of pre-built form templates that can be customized according to your needs. Users can style the forms using the built-in theme customizer.

5. Pricing:

  • Formidable Forms: Formidable Forms offers a free version with limited features available on the WordPress plugin repository. They have different premium plans starting from a reasonable price, which includes additional features and support.
  • Ninja Forms: Ninja Forms also has a free version with basic features available on the WordPress plugin repository. Their premium plans vary in price and offer advanced features, priority support, and access to add-ons.

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Which is the best plugin? – Formidable Forms vs Ninja Forms

Determining the “best” plugin between Formidable Forms and Ninja Forms depends on your specific requirements and preferences. Both plugins are popular and offer a range of features that can meet different needs. Here are some factors to consider when deciding which plugin is best for you:

1. Ease of Use: If you prioritize a user-friendly interface with an intuitive drag-and-drop form builder, both plugins perform well in this aspect.

2. Features: Assess the features offered by each plugin and match them with your specific form-building requirements.

3. Integrations: Consider which third-party services or tools you plan to integrate with your forms. Both plugins support popular integrations, but one may have better support for the specific services you require.

4. Add-ons and Extensions: Check the availability of add-ons or extensions that are crucial for your project. Some specific features may only be available through premium add-ons for one of the plugins.

5. Support and Documentation: Evaluate the quality and availability of support and documentation provided by each plugin’s developers.

6. Pricing: Compare the pricing plans and consider your budget. Determine whether the features available in the free versions are sufficient for your needs or if upgrading to a premium plan is necessary.

Conclusion – Formidable Forms vs Ninja Forms

In conclusion, both Formidable Forms and Ninja Forms are powerful and user-friendly WordPress form builder plugins, each with its own strengths and advantages. The choice between the two depends on your specific needs, preferences, and the features you require for your website forms.

  • If you need a form builder with an extensive feature set, including advanced form fields, front-end editing, graphs and charts, and user registration, Formidable Forms might be the better choice.
  • On the other hand, if you prefer a straightforward and easy-to-use form builder with a focus on essential features like conditional logic, multi-page forms, and popular integrations, Ninja Forms could be a suitable option.
  • Both plugins offer free versions, allowing you to try them out and get a feel for their interfaces and basic functionality.
  • Consider factors such as integration options, available add-ons, pricing plans, and the level of support and documentation provided when making your decision.

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