Formidable Forms Vs Divi Contact Forms Module: Best Contact Form Plugins

Posted on the 25 July 2023 by Wbcom Designs @wbcomdesigns

Introduction – Formidable Forms vs Divi Contact Forms Module

When it comes to building forms for your WordPress website, there are various options available, each with its own set of features and capabilities. In this comparison, we will explore two popular form-building solutions: Formidable Forms and the Divi Contact Forms Module.

In this comparison, we will delve deeper into the features, customizability, ease of use, and integration capabilities of both Formidable Forms and the Divi Contact Forms Module, helping you make an informed decision on which solution best suits your specific form-building requirements. Whether you seek advanced functionalities or a straightforward form creation process, read on to discover which option aligns perfectly with your website’s needs.

1. Formidable Forms

Formidable Forms is a powerful and versatile WordPress plugin that provides an intuitive form builder for creating various types of online forms. With its drag-and-drop interface, users can effortlessly design and customize forms, ranging from simple contact forms to complex applications and surveys. The plugin offers a rich set of features, including advanced form fields, conditional logic, multi-page forms, calculations, and integration with popular third-party services. Additionally, Formidable Forms allows seamless integration with email marketing platforms, payment gateways, and other essential tools, making it a valuable solution for businesses and website owners looking to gather data, generate leads, and automate processes.

2. Divi Contact Forms Module

Divi Contact Forms Module is a component of the popular Divi Builder, designed specifically for WordPress websites. It offers a simple and easy-to-use form-building solution for creating basic contact forms. The module provides essential form elements like text fields, email fields, and text areas, allowing users to quickly design and customize contact forms without the need for extensive technical knowledge. While not as feature-rich as dedicated form plugins, the Divi Contact Forms Module seamlessly integrates with other Divi modules and themes, providing a convenient way to gather user information and facilitate communication with site visitors.

Comparison of Formidable Forms vs Divi Contact Forms Module

We can provide a detailed comparison of Formidable Forms and the Divi Contact Forms Module.

1. Form Builder and Customization:

  • Formidable Forms: Formidable Forms is known for its powerful form builder that offers a wide range of customization options. It provides a drag-and-drop interface that allows you to create complex forms easily.
  • Divi Contact Forms Module: The Divi Contact Forms Module is a part of the Divi Builder, which is a versatile page builder for WordPress. The Contact Forms Module provides a basic form-building functionality with simple customization options.

Also Reads: Formidable Forms vs Ninja Forms: Best Contact Form Plugins

2. Features and Functionality:

  • Formidable Forms: Formidable Forms is known for its extensive features. It includes advanced form fields like file uploads, repeatable sections, calculations, conditional logic, and even integration with third-party services. It also offers form templates, surveys and polls, user registration, payment processing, and email marketing integration, making it suitable for various use cases.
  • Divi Contact Forms Module: The Divi Contact Forms Module focuses on providing essential form elements like text fields, email fields, and text areas. It might not have the advanced features and capabilities found in Formidable Forms, making it more suitable for simple contact forms rather than complex applications.

3. Integration:

  • Formidable Forms: Formidable Forms integrates with a wide range of third-party services, including popular email marketing platforms, payment gateways, CRMs, and more. This allows you to seamlessly connect your forms to other tools and streamline your workflow.
  • Divi Contact Forms Module: As part of the Divi Builder, the Contact Forms Module naturally integrates with other Divi modules and themes. While it may not have the same extensive integration options as Formidable Forms, it should work well within the Divi ecosystem.

4. Ease of Use:

  • Formidable Forms: Formidable Forms strikes a balance between ease of use and advanced features. It offers a user-friendly interface, but due to its extensive capabilities, it might have a steeper learning curve for beginners.
  • Divi Contact Forms Module: Being part of the Divi Builder, the Contact Forms Module benefits from its simplicity and familiar interface. It should be relatively easy to use for anyone already using the Divi Builder, but it might lack some of the advanced features found in Formidable Forms.

5. Pricing:

  • Formidable Forms: Formidable Forms offers different pricing plans based on the features and number of sites you need to use the plugin on. They have both annual and lifetime subscription options.
  • Divi Contact Forms Module: The Divi Builder, including the Contact Forms Module, is part of the Elegant Themes membership. You can purchase an annual or lifetime subscription to get access to all their themes and plugins.

Also Reads: Form Maker vs Divi Contact Forms Module: Best Contact Form WordPress Plugins

Which is the best plugin?

Both Formidable Forms and the Divi Contact Forms Module have their strengths and weaknesses, and the ideal plugin for you will depend on factors such as the complexity of forms you need, integration requirements, ease of use, budget, and your existing website setup.

If you require advanced form-building capabilities, extensive features, and seamless integration with various third-party services, Formidable Forms might be the better choice. It caters to a wide range of use cases and provides a more comprehensive set of tools for creating complex forms.

On the other hand, if you are using the Divi Builder on your WordPress site and need a simple and straightforward form solution, the Divi Contact Forms Module could be the more suitable option. It offers an easy-to-use interface and integrates smoothly with other Divi modules and themes.


In conclusion, the choice between Formidable Forms and the Divi Contact Forms Module depends on your individual requirements and preferences. Remember to consider the specific needs of your project, try out demos or free versions if available, and review user feedback to make an informed decision. Both plugins have their merits and can be valuable additions to your website, depending on the scope and complexity of the forms you wish to create.

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