Former White House Photographer to Publish a Collection of Michelle Obama Photos

By Firstladyb


Former White House photographer, Amanda Lucidon, publishing a collection of former first lady Michelle Obama photos.

Ten Speed Press, an imprint of Crown Publishing Group, which is publishing the Obamas’ books, has announced the upcoming release of Chasing Light: Michelle Obama Through the Lens of a White House Photographer. The collection features 150 color photographs, including many never before seen from Amanda Lucidon, who served as the lone female White House photographer from 2013-2017.

“Mrs. Obama is a source of light and inspiration in my life,” says Lucidon in a statement. “She was a mentor to me and so many people around the world. The work she has done with young people, especially girls and underserved youth, has helped me realize that I want to spend my life helping others reach their fullest potential.”

A release date has not yet been announced.