Former Intelligence Officer Robert Steele: Every Single Terrorist Incident in U.S. Was a False Flag

By Eowyn @DrEowyn

A false flag, as the term is used in contemporary parlance, is a traumatic public event of mass casualties which bears the marks of falsity, in part or in whole, as the public have been told by government and media. The objective of false flags is always to rally the public in an outburst of sympathy and support for the government and its agenda, e.g., gun control, opposition to an identified enemy, etc.

Robert David Steele, 62, is a former CIA clandestine services case officer and a 20-year Marine Corps Infantry Intelligence officer. A candidate for the Reform Party’s presidential nomination in 2012, Steele is known for his promotion of open source intelligence (OSINT). In the intelligence community, OSINT refers to overt, publicly available sources (as opposed to covert or clandestine sources), and is not related to open-source software or public intelligence. Here’s his website:

The Keiser Report is a financial news and analysis show hosted by Max Keiser on RT UK and the RT network. On the show’s episode 731 on March 13, 2015, Steele made a startling assertion that most terrorists are false flag terrorists created by the world’s intelligence services, and that every single terrorist incident in the U.S. has been a false flag. The interview with Steel begins at the 12:23 mark of the video:

Here’s a transcript of the interview beginning at the 15:08 mark:

Keiser: “There are several terror events in Europe by Europeans recently. Now, each one of the bad guys is already known to security services, a good example being here in the UK, they had somebody who was on MI5 radar, he went off to join ISIS and he became Jihadi John. So your thoughts: Is this because we have too much data or too many people on the terror watch list, or there’s not enough real intelligence? What’s going on here?”

Steele: “Well, Max, this may be too much for you guys, but let me give you the bottom line as I see it…. Most terrorists are false flag terrorists…created by our own security services. Now I have no direct access in England, but I will tell you that here in the United States, every single terrorist incident we have had has been a false flag or has been an informant pushed on by the FBI. In fact, we now have citizens taking out restraining orders against FBI informants that are trying to incite terrorism. We’ve become a lunatic asylum. As far as Jihadi John, the best guess that I can give you is that this is funded by Saudi Arabia, trained by CIA. This destruction of ancient artifacts and so on, that’s a covert action influence operation; that’s not something they would normally do. This is, in one word, largely theater.

Note: In an October 2014 interview with Alex Jones of Infowars, Steel specifically identified Sandy Hook and Boston Bombing as false flags.

Keiser then asks if a solution to all this “skullduggery” is open source, i.e., taking all the data and make it public, and mentions Edward Snowden and Julian Assange as examples. Steele replies that Assange “has” (i.e., takes) “no sides.” At the 17:47 mark, Steele said:

“[Edward] Snowden is a good thing, but right now all indications are that he’s a CIA op that was authorized by Obama to take Assange (?) down a notch, and the reason the State Department canceled his [Snowden’s] passport while he was en route to Russia was precisely to throw him in front of the Russians as a dangle.”

Steele is the founder and publisher of Public Intelligence Blog. An advocate of open source and the New Alternative Media of citizen bloggers, Steele once said:

“You are the Paul Reveres and Patrick Henrys of our generation. Bottom-up horizontal-connection is key. Sharing at all levels, not top down control. Public intelligence and influence is about to take off. We’re about to bury rule by secrecy. Civil affairs is the focal point….

If you bloggers self-organize and attach yourselves like leeches to specific issues, corporations, organization, challenges, whatever, you will be the intelligence minutemen of this century. The power is in your hands.

There aren’t enough guns to kill us all, and Halliburton can’t build jails fast enough to keep us down…. I think we’re at a turning point. We’re at the very beginning of a historic tidal shift in power, restoring the Constitution.”

So, be not afraid! Take heart! Stand firm!
