Form Maker Vs Divi Contact Forms Module: Best Contact Form WordPress Plugins

Posted on the 24 July 2023 by Wbcom Designs @wbcomdesigns

Introduction – Form Maker vs Divi Contact Forms Module

A Contact Form plugin is a valuable tool designed to simplify the process of creating and managing contact forms on a website. As an essential communication channel between website owners and their visitors, contact forms allow users to send inquiries, feedback, or messages directly to the site’s administrators without exposing their email addresses.

With a Contact Form plugin, website owners can avoid the complexities of coding and design by providing a user-friendly interface that enables effortless form creation. These plugins often include drag-and-drop form builders, extensive customization options, and various field types to tailor forms to specific needs.

Form Maker plugin

Form Maker is a WordPress plugin that allows users to create and manage various types of forms, such as contact forms, feedback forms, surveys, and more. It provides a user-friendly interface with a drag-and-drop form builder, making it easy for users to create and customize forms without any coding knowledge. The plugin offers a wide range of field types, conditional logic, multi-page form support, pre-designed templates, and integration with popular email marketing services and payment gateways. With built-in security features like reCAPTCHA integration, Form Maker helps protect against spam submissions and ensures a smooth form submission experience for website visitors.

Divi Contact Forms Module plugin

Divi Contact Forms Module is a component integrated into the popular Divi WordPress theme. It allows users to create and customize contact forms directly within the Divi Builder, without the need for additional plugins. The module offers basic form fields such as name, email, message, etc., along with customization options to match the form’s appearance with the website’s design. While it may lack some advanced features available in dedicated form plugins, the Divi Contact Forms Module is a convenient solution for Divi theme users looking to create simple and responsive contact forms.

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Comparison of Form Maker vs Divi Contact Forms Module

We can provide a detailed comparison of the Form Maker plugin and the Divi Contact Forms Module. Always check the latest features and functionalities of both plugins before making a decision.

Form Maker:

1. Plugin Overview: Form Maker is a WordPress plugin that allows users to create and manage various types of forms, such as contact forms, feedback forms, surveys, and more.

2. User Interface and Ease of Use: Form Maker provides a user-friendly interface with a drag-and-drop form builder, making it easy for users to create and customize forms without any coding knowledge.

3. Features and Functionality:

  • Pre-designed Templates: Form Maker offers a variety of pre-designed templates to help users get started quickly.
  • Customization: Users can customize form fields, layouts, colors, and styles to match their website’s design.
  • Advanced Fields: Form Maker supports a wide range of field types, including text fields, radio buttons, checkboxes, file uploads, and more.
  • Conditional Logic: You can set conditional rules for form fields to show or hide certain elements based on user inputs.
  • Multi-page Forms: Form Maker allows the creation of multi-page forms, helping to break down longer forms into manageable sections.
  • Spam Protection: It includes built-in security features like reCAPTCHA integration to protect against spam submissions.

4. Integration and Add-ons: Form Maker integrates with popular email marketing services like MailChimp, as well as various payment gateways to collect payments through forms. There are also several add-ons available for extending functionality.

5. Pricing: Form Maker offers a free version with limited features, and there are various premium plans available with additional features and support.

Divi Contact Forms Module:

1. Plugin Overview: Divi is a popular WordPress theme with a built-in Contact Forms Module that allows users to create and customize contact forms without the need for additional plugins.

2. User Interface and Ease of Use: Divi’s Contact Forms Module is integrated directly into the Divi Builder, making it convenient for Divi theme users to create and manage forms with the same interface they use for designing pages.

3. Features and Functionality:

  • Customization: The Divi Contact Forms Module offers various customization options to match the form’s appearance with the website’s design.
  • Form Fields: It provides standard form fields like name, email, message, etc., but might lack some of the advanced field types available in dedicated form plugins.
  • Responsive Design: The forms created with the Divi Contact Forms Module are responsive and work well on different devices.
  • Limited Advanced Features: As a built-in module, it might not have as many advanced features as dedicated form plugins.

4. Integration and Add-ons: Divi Contact Forms Module can integrate with popular email marketing services like MailChimp and includes basic integration options, but it might not have the same extensive add-on support as dedicated form plugins.

5. Pricing: To access the Divi Contact Forms Module, you need to purchase the Divi theme or an Elegant Themes membership, which grants access to all their themes and plugins.

Also Reads: How to Create Training Module with WordPress Education Theme

Which is the best plugin?

The “best” plugin between Form Maker and the Divi Contact Forms Module can vary depending on your specific needs and preferences. Both plugins have their strengths and weaknesses, so it’s essential to consider what features are most important to you and how well they align with your requirements. Here are some factors to consider when choosing between the two:

Form Maker:

  • Offers a dedicated form plugin with extensive features and functionalities.
  • Provides a wide range of field types and advanced customization options.
  • Supports conditional logic and multi-page forms for complex form designs.
  • Offers pre-designed templates for quick form creation.
  • Integrates with popular email marketing services and payment gateways.
  • Has spam protection features, including reCAPTCHA integration.

Divi Contact Forms Module:

  • Integrated directly into the Divi Builder for seamless use with Divi theme users.
  • Provides a user-friendly interface with basic form fields and customization options.
  • Responsive design for mobile and different devices.
  • May have limited advanced features compared to dedicated form plugins.

Conclusion – Form Maker vs Divi Contact Forms Module

In conclusion, both Form Maker and the Divi Contact Forms Module are valuable tools for creating and managing contact forms on WordPress websites. The choice between the two plugins depends on your specific needs and the context in which you plan to use them.

If you are using the Divi theme and prefer a seamless experience with a straightforward contact form solution, the Divi Contact Forms Module integrated into the Divi Builder could be a suitable choice. It offers basic form fields, ease of use, and responsive design, making it ideal for simple contact forms.

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