Form a Queue Ladies .......

By Sue15cat

I have no idea what they were all sniffing, most likely a rabbit scent trail or some such thing, but I couldn't resist getting this photo of the dogs on the hillside the other day during a break in the rain.
We are getting out in the paddock no matter what the weather but on the wettest of wet days they need a lot of cajoling to get them over there in the first place.  I sometimes wonder if dogs think we as humans are completely mad for wanting to take them out for a walk no matter what the weather.  
I know these three, Suky especially, would much rather be left indoors on the sofa and just dash out when strictly necessary for a toilet break.  They've even started to take it in turns to have a wee under our big plant in the front garden and then dash back in to the warmth of the conservatory.

A Mavis style action shot .....

... a Suky action shot.  
Pugs do 'action' so well    :-)
Sue xx