Forgive Me, Friends, for I Have Sinned

By Eemusings @eemusings

About those ancient posts that may have popped up in your Reader last night?

Yeah … sorry about that.

In short: I’m doing a bit of housekeeping around here. Deleting posts. Password protecting posts. Editing posts. And apparently spamming my RSS feed in the process.

Here’s the deal. I do plan on going self-hosted at some point. To do that, I need to:

  • a) clean up my early archives, which reflect the embarrassing and immature ramblings of an oh-so-hard-done-by university student
  • b) figure out my blog title

In regard to the former, I will finish up the blogkeeping one night this week, and I’ll do it all in one hit to minimise the interruption. I imagine that means once more, you will wake up to dozens of old posts, but please just hit ‘read all’.

In regard to the latter, this is where you come in, if you like. I started my blog on a total whim and picked my username out of the air, which is also used on Twitter, Facebook, Goodreads and probably a couple other places. I think is available (or so WordPress keeps telling me). But I don’t really want to be A couple of people have suggested just, which is a a possibility. Or maybe I just need an entirely new name.

Whatever. I’m terrible at this stuff, and painfully indecisive to boot.

So if you have any thoughts on blog names, etc, please let me know. If you can’t comment (and WordPress’ commenting system is definitely one of the reasons I might finally get around to going self-hosted) then feel free to tweet me (@eemusings) or email me (eemusings AT gmail).

Peace out.