Forget Those Missed Miles Smarty!!!

By Marensmorsels @marentweets

You guys give the best advice!!

I’m definitely going to listen to you and

  • NOT overdo it this week
  • NOT try and make up my missed workouts
  • NOT get injured (knockonwoodcrossmyfingersandtoesomg)
  • NOT dwell on those missed workouts and move on!


My eats today weren’t that exciting!

  • Lunch: a chile verde burrito with rice and beans, chips as an appetizer
  • Snack(s): skittles and mango sorbet with dark chocolate chips
  • Dinner: Hearty Turkey and Veggie soup my Mama made last night.
  • Second Dinner: chips dipped in spicy salsa while watching the Bachelor!

I ate my first dinner at 5pm before basketball practice and I was feeling a little famished while watching all the dramatic tears over a guy these girls have literally met less than 20 days ago! I LOVE REALITY TV!!!

I’m not enjoying being so busy. I was starting to cook a little more and being stretched like Mr. Stretch Armstrong in 5 different directions is taking up all my cooking-creative-blogging time.

That’s not a good feeling! It would be kinda cool to actually stretch like that though, I could hug a big red wood tree, I could reach everything, taking the christmas lights off the roof wouldn’t require a ladder… life would be grand!

Aside from that, I’m ready for something to end so I have a little more free time to do fun things like cooking. And I’m tired of squeezing in workouts.

Anyways, I’m feeling totally rejuvenated about my 1/2 marathon schedule and here’s why.

I found a really awesome training planner over at Runners World.

Smart Coach!

Either I’m way behind the times or y’all are missing out on some super cool training tools. I’m guessing it’s the first option because you all are way more hip and groovy than me.

Smart Coach is FREE!! You put in your most recent race time, your upcoming race date and distance, your birth year, how many miles you are currently running a week and the intensity you’d like to train at. Then it pops up with a personalized plan just for you!

After seeing my new plan, I’m switching…

I like that the Smart Coach trainer gives times to train at. My Hal Higdon version didn’t have anything like that and being a new distance runner I really like having the extra guidance. Plus, my job is pretty physically demanding. I like having the option to rest or cross train, and strength training isn’t a requirement. In no way am I ditching strength, I’d be lost down dark alleys getting attacked by scary men with no skills if I quit my Tae Bo, but it’s nice to be able to work it in when I feel like it instead of feeling the obligation twice a week.

I also get to say I’m doing “Tempo Runs”. How official is that?!?! I feel like such an official runner.

Here’s my recap from last week.