Firstly, I would like to apologize for my absence for the last 2 weeks. I haven't been very well. And over Christmas to boot! How rude! Anyway .... I'M BAAAAAACK!
So, this weeks' topic is roots. As Sheilagh has already covered the vegetation variety, I thought I would take a different tack.
In late November / early December, it was pointed out to me by an unexpected source, that I seriously needed to color my hair. It was all I could do to not let my jaw hit the floor. I think it probably affected me more because of that unexpected source, namely my Uncle Ian. Don't get me wrong, I knew that I had a few greys and it had crossed my mind, more than once in recent weeks, that I needed to do something about it. But .... come on! Really?! Taking a long hard look in the mirror once I had the first opportunity, I SAW what everyone else could already see. Oh dear. Oh deary, deary me. Humph!
Those silver lines ...
Amid lustrous brown locks, silver strands taunt, adding years to youth before their time. Softly shimmering beneath natural light, or glaring boldly under man-made incandescence, they creep, multiplying stealthily, unnoticed .... for a while. I found my first at 24, within moments discovering others. An unwanted hereditary "hair"-loom. So now they stand proud, streaking brashly across a fading dark mop. My New Years' Resolution at the age of 39? To color my hair, stay on top of the roots and cling on to my youth as long as I can! Now what will it be? PURPLE or RED? Well, in for a penny ...... !
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