Forever 21 Opening Launch at SM North EDSA

By Wickedying @wickedying

 Forever 21 Opening Launch at SM North EDSA

Didn’t know there are that much events happening almost on a daily basis here in the Metro. No wonder bloggers meet up together at the same place and become buddies overtime after being introduced to each other. In our case, Tracy Ayson texted us if we’d like to go at the Forever 21 opening at The Block SM North. Thursday was our (sortf of) free day. With nothing to do and nowhere to go, of course our answer was a no-brainer. A big fat YES! Haha!

As early as 5PM, the mall was packed. Here’s a little peek!

Thanks to Tracy and Pax, we were able to get passes and a seat beside the runway. Bonggels ang blogger friends! Avail! We were seated right across the former PBB housemates. 

Before the show started, Samsung (one of the event’s sponsor) had a little giveaway. To our surprise, Steph won a laptop! Yay!! Super smile oh!

The event started with a fashion show. Lots’a nice clothes!!!! 

Kids made rampa too.. I wanna pinch their cheeks! Kyooooooot!!!

Admit it, Tricia looks like a living doll, yes?!

The brand ambassadors..

After the show, the shop was opened. 5, 4, 3, 2, 21 ang countdown! Strolled around the place.

Must. Not. Forget. Shoes.

The place was huge I’m telling you! Racks are everywhere. Ooooh! Clothing heaven!!!

Here’s the accessories area (from afar).

Lingerie area. Didn’t find the bralets we’re looking for. Good thing I found nude and black spaghetti strap tops which are perfect for my sheer/see through tops.

Steph with her bitbit na top and other finds! Heeeee!

And yours truly, eyeing this tiny ombre denim shorts. Size 24 fits quite loose on me unfortunately. Boooooo!

Then there’s the uber long line. Transactions were done quick though so keri lang!

While waiting for our turn to pay, I took a picture of our shopping bag! 

And our tired feet. Sorry feet you’ve been tortured for days wearing high-stacked heels (without the help of gel cushions)! 

What I bought at the store. Numi-neon lang oh!

I think that’s about it. We met up with other bloggers right after. Might have to do a separate post on that.. Hmmkay?!

Anyhooo, speaking of Forever 21, we’re on the Philippine Star’s Sunday ish! Yes, that’s us with Tracy and Aisa! And uhm, now you know my real name.. LOL!

Stay wicked!