As a child, I pictured my 25 year old self a lot different than how I actually am now (and I'm 26 for the record). I imagined being married (hey I got one!), driving my kids to soccer practice in my red convertible, and coming home to my white picket fence-lined suburban home to have dinner on the table promptly by 6:30. HA HA HA. Oh my naive younger self.
Little did I know that at 26 I would still be a wanderer. Not quite sure where I'm going or exactly how I'm going to end up there. Or if I even have a specific "there." Maybe my there isn't anchored in one set spot. I think I'll always be somewhat of a wanderer. And I'm totally okay with that. Because my life is full of love. It's full of laughter. It's full of adventure. I'm never bored. Or unmotivated for what's to come.
This one is for you - the wanderer.
To remind you that it's okay to not have it all figured out.It's okay to take it day by day.It's okay if your plan doesn't play out quite how you imagined it.It's okay to be different than the majority.It's okay to create your own way.
It's okay to change your mind.It's okay to explore.
It's okay to veer of the original path.
As long as you are happy, full of love, seeking/pursuing your purpose, and living your best life then guess what? You are doing it right. You are exactly where you need to be. So embrace your wandering soul. Live. Explore. Pursue this. Pursue that. Be shamelessly in love with every moment of every day. Wander proudly, my friends.
xo, Jess