For the People

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"When the Lord has washed away the filth of the daughter of Zion and cleansed Jerusalem of the blood shed in her with the blast of judgment and the blast of destruction, Yahweh will come and rest on the whole stretch of Mount Zion and on those who are gathered there, a cloud by day and smoke, and by night the brightness of a flaring fire. For, over all, the glory of Yahweh will be a canopy and a tent to give shade by day from the heat, refuge and shelter from the storm and the rain" (Is 4:4-6).

Posted in Covenant, God the Father, Joining Heaven and Earth, Signs of the Times, The 1000-Year Reign of Peace, The Coming of the Kingdom, The Covenant, The Kingdom of Love, The New Jerusalem, Thy Kingdom Come and tagged Christianity, Covenant, God, God the Father, New Jerusalem, Peace, Religion and Spirituality, The Church by .