For All You Last Minute Shoppers | Last Minute Gift Ideas

By Teaantoast @teaantoastblog
I'm pretty sure I'm not the only person whose had a crazy moment on Christmas Eve when realising there is one person that you've forgotten to buy presents for! No, just me? If this is you too, or your that person who leaves all their Christmas present buying until Christmas Eve, I've got some ideas that may just help you out a little.

I thought I would put together some quick, easy, Christmas gift ideas for when your rushing around not sure what to get someone. Somewhere like Boots is great for gift sets, not only are they 3 for 2 but there is a huge choice of fragrance sets, skin care, make up, kids toys ect. I've picked up this Champneys Bathing Basket Collection and then added in some extra bits and pieces such as some hand cream and face mask to make a relaxation/home spa hamper. Everyone loves a good pamper and putting a set together like this will make it look like you've gone all out!

I saw these really cute hot chocolate jars on Pinterest, they're super easy and cheap to make. These sorts of jars are everywhere at minute, you can get them super cheap at Ikea or even the pound shop! Just buy some hot chocolate powder, marshmallows and ribbon and your done. You could always add a personalised gift tag to make it more personal too - everyone loves a personalised gift.
I always think that buying skincare is such a great gift. We all know skincare is important but not all of us like spending money on it, or we stick to products/brands that we like. I think skincare gifts are brilliant for introducing people to new brands and products that they may not have tried before or, if someone likes a product but it may be a little out of their budget. To celebrate 20 years of Liz Earl, the brand have brought out some beautiful Christmas gift sets like this Cleanse and Polish Hot Cloth Cleanser Christmas Edition set*. For £20.75, you get this beautifully decorated tin which contains the extremely popular Cleanse and Polish Cleanser (150ml) and 2 pure muslin cloths.  Finally, candles. Everyone loves candles right? You can't go wrong with a beautiful scented candle. I picked up this gorgeous Ocean Mist candle from Boots, I can't find this exact one online but they have a similar one here.