Foodie Musings – Meal Planning, Family Recipes, Getting Organised

By Foodie Cravings @foodiecravings

How fast has the year gone? This time last year I was planning my baby shower and madly cleaning my little old shack of a home ready for junior burger’s impending arrival. At the mo, I’m planning for junior burger’s 1st birthday party, moving into our new home and Europe!

I’ve also started to write for TweetPerth’s new website. Adam Barrell, founder of TweetPerth has been a huge supporter of foodie cravings since I started blogging 5 years ago so I’m excited to see TweetPerth evolve to become one of Perth’s hottest news hubs.

What I’m passionate about right now

Eating well! My thermomix, oven and slow cooker has been doing some serious over time.

Last week I made these chicken and broccoli nuggets for junior burger, they were so tasty I gobbled down a dozen and justified it afterwards by telling myself junior burger didn’t need that many

I used to eat whatever but cooking healthy meals for junior burger has made me more passionate about eating well myself.

What’s been making me think

Meal planning! I used to find all sorts of random expired food in my fridge/pantry but would never have enough ingredients for cooking without ducking to the shops. So having a weekly meal plan has been helpful especially now that I have limited time and am planning for breakfast, lunch and dinner almost every day (gee life has changed!).

This new inspiration to get more organised is thanks to The Organised Housewife’s blog which I’ve been following daily. It has given some tips on how to juggle home life with junior burger so that there’s more time to focus on burger boy & I’s business and of course my first baby, this blog.

I LOVE Kat’s downloadable recipe organiser. I have this thing with pretty stationery (all started in uni) if it’s pretty I’ll use it! It was actually how I initially stumbled across The Organised Housewife as I couldn’t find the perfect recipe folder at the shops or online!

What I’ve been doing

Having a lot of coffee…haha what’s new.

Learning to cook burger boy’s family recipes. burger boy’s Italian mum’s chicken cutlets and veal marsala are officially on my home menu. I also learnt how to prepare and marinate olives even though I don’t eat olives. I even blogged about the olives recipe here on special requested.

Recruiting writers as part of my grand scheme of getting organised and writing more.  I am excited to say with a massive grin I officially have two writers who are helping me write and eat through Perth.

This is what my writers Jason and Karina have eaten and blogged for me to date:

Lapa Brazilian Freo Launch
Taste of Perth Preview
150 East Winter Menu
JACS Applecross

It was important to me to find writers who would stay true to foodie cravings style and philosophy as well as covering events on behalf of me. Jason is my brother who has also been helping me with editing foodie cravings so the “foodie cravings” voice comes naturally to him. Karina has been working for burger boy & I’s Crust for over 4 years and is my in house photographer when I need quick pizza snaps. She is a great writer and has a way with words.

I’ve also changed up foodie cravings navigation to make it easier to search through my blog. There’s now a foodie musings menu item to house all these kind of posts. Love to know what you think.

So that’s my foodie musings this month – what have you been doing?

Check out my last foodie musings here.