Foodie Friday: Spicy Peanut Butter Noodles in a Box Recipe

By Stylecarrot @StyleCarrot

As I mentioned, my husband and I held a pop-up art gallery event this summer we’ve dubbed Art + Cocktails Truro. We showcased 96 works of art from about 30 different artists throughout our home on Cape Cod. Last week I posted an array of paintings and next week I will show you a sampling of the photography we exhibited.

Today, however, is Foodie Friday and we’re going to talk about a spicy peanut butter noodle recipe.

Photo by Samara Vise for StyleCarrot

In a moment of insanity I decided I wouldn’t need a caterer for the event.I figured I would spend the two days prior whipping up the food myself. After all, I had catered parties in my 20s. Ha. The guest list got out of hand and soon I had 90 RSVPs. I frantically called around and got two different gourmet take-out places to provide tuna tartare on rice crackers, filet mignon crostini, and two kinds of chicken skewers.

Photo by Samara Vise for StyleCarrot

I could take care of the rest. The rest consisting mainly crostini bar fixings, cheese boards, marinated olives, herbed nuts, and such.

Photo by Samara Vise for StyleCarrot

I needed one substantial dish though. Aiming for an Instagrammable, Pinterest-worthy event (after all I am a blogger), early on I ordered mini Chinese take-out containers made from Kraft paper and bamboo sporks. I settled on filling them with spicy sesame noodles.

Photo by Samara Vise for StyleCarrot

My son and I broke out the lobster pot. He boiled ten packages of spaghetti in two batches while I concentrated on not blowing up the blender with the peanut butter. I did a mash up of a few different spicy peanut butter noodle recipes I pulled from Pinterest pics, based on what seemed easiest and tastiest. The resulting recipe went something like this:

Spicy Peanut Butter Noodles in Chinese Takeout Boxes

1 box of spaghetti

1/2 cup creamy peanut butter
1 1/2 tablespoon ginger, minced
1 tablespoon garlic, minced
1 tablespoon sesame oil
4 tablespoons soy sauce
4 tablespoons fresh lime juice
2 tablespoons Sriracha
2 tablespoons honey

Matchstick carrots
Red bell pepper

Boil noodles, rinse, drain. Make sure they’re not all clumpy. Mix the sauce ingredients in a blender. Pour sauce over noodles. Use clean hands to mix together. Set up your boxes, add noodles to each. Top with garnishes. You could also use cucumber, scallion, chopped peanuts, and sesame seeds. Stick a fork in it. Serve on a tray.

Big thanks to photographers Samara Vise for mixing the noodles and Michael J. Lee for garnishing.