FoodBlessed: Feeding the Hungry, One Meal at a Time

By Nogarlicnoonions @nogarlicnoonion

foodblessed is a pioneering national hunger-relief initiative led by a group of passionate volunteers driven by the need to reduce hunger in Lebanon.

“Our MISSION is ‘feeding the hungry, one meal at a time!’ by creating a nationwide sustainable network that connects relevant Socially Responsible Companies – such as restaurants, catering agencies and other food providers – with the Local Community –such as local citizens and NGOs- towards achieving our VISION of a hunger-free Lebanon. To this end, we focus on two major issues: food rescue and the Corporate Social Responsibility of food (and non-food) companies.
Transparency, Tolerance, and Collaboration are amongst our core VALUES.”

”Nowadays, the terms ‘wasted food’ and ‘food waste’ are used interchangeably, and therein lies the danger. Only when we start to distinguish between these two terms, will we realize how much we have become ‘recklessly extravagant consumers’ and do something about this.”


  • 3 food safety experts to mitigate the Food safety challenge!
  • We established partnership with 2 design agencies for the creation of our brand image and website,
  • More than 1300 supporters over social media and on the field
  • 0 food poisoning cases (following international food safety standards)
  • Every month 35 Mouneh packages packaged &distributed. We haven’t missed a month (yet)
  • More than 80 partners so far with more than 80% of our partnerships turning into long term ‘relationships’ between food donors & receivers.
  • foodblessed more than ”4000” beneficiaries, all, one meal at a time!

How it’s done: By Linking food donors to food receivers!

For instance, when the customer purchases the meal with our logo on it, the restaurant will automatically donate a set amount from the price of the meal.

  • foodblessed partners with major food manufacturing companies, who can: donate food items including non perishable food like canned food.
  • foodblessed organizes food drives, bake sales, food/meal packaging events.
  • foodblessed organizes fundraising events to raise money.

As Mother Teresa said: “It’s not how much we give but how much love we put into giving.”

Facts and figures:

  • If you have food on you fridge, clothes on your back , a roof over your head a place to sleep your are richer than 75% of the rest of the world.
  • 12.7% is the average percentage of hungry people in the Arab region.
  • In Lebanon, the population living under the poverty line reaches 28.6 %.
  • Huge amounts of food are being thrown away after almost every event. People always feel the urge to take action, to find a solution, to not throw away untouched food, but most of the cases they just don’t know where to turn to!
  • 53 % of consumers are willing to pay extra for dealing with a company who is socially responsible
  • Ideas are worthless unless one finds the courage and acts upon them.

By aiming at ‘feeding the hungry, one meal at a time’, this is exactly what the foodblessed team has done.

Read more on foodblessed website