Foodage :: The Juicy Lucy, Beer Yoga & Sea Lice Salmon (Grind #108)

By Ventipop @ventipop

// Anyone hungry? Grind #108 - The Food One //

We blend and marinate a bunch of stories on food and drink in this edition of the Grind. I hope you're not too hungry because the Juicy Lucy video might be the end of you. As always, thanks for reading and spreading the word.



The only rock eaten by humans


The fear of an empty glass

  • HOW TO THAW A FROZEN STEAK in minutes.
  • 8 THINGS YOU DIDN'T KNOW ABOUT ALDI...from an employee.
  • Wanna get your fat cousin Delbert in better shape? Maybe, you could talk him into BEER YOGA.
  • Whole Foods helped make organic foods an American craze. Ironically, it's the organic movement that's come back to BITE THEM.
  • If you pay $22 FOR A SINGLE STRAWBERRY, you're just showing off.
  • "Hi ho, hi ho, it's off to IHOP we go..." - Behold! BUTTER MIGHT BE GOOD FOR YOU.
  • "The longer something sits in a pile of juicy trash, it becomes harder to tell exactly what it originally was." But there are RESEARCHERS PAID TO DIG THROUGH FOOD SCRAPS in hopes of reducing food waste and costs.
  • THE WORLD'S FIRST BIONIC BAR is coming to the Vegas strip this summer:

  • "SELL BY, USE BY, BEST IF USED BUY, EXPIRES ON..." Most Americans have no idea what these food labels mean. But grocery shoppers across the nation are going to see big changes regarding these labels by July 28th which could save millions on food waste.
  • Dunkin Donuts and Baskin Robins join a growing list of restaurants ELIMINATING ARTIFICIAL COLORS AND FLAVORS.

...The Last Drop

Foodage :: The Juicy Lucy, Beer Yoga & Sea Lice Salmon (Grind #108) ~ Fin.
