Food|| The Best of the Christmas Food (according to Me!)

By Clo Hutch @lashesoflife

December is the month for feasting. Aren’t I right? Feasting and treating, indulging and not for one second feeling guilty about it (ok, I definitely feel guilty when I indulge, but it’s way more acceptable to do in December). So with a month pretty much all about festive foods, it got me thinking about what my fave seasonal bites are. So here it is, my top Christmas food picks… Pigs in Blankets – seriously, why don’t we have these all year round? It’s not like bacon or sausages are seasonal, but they only get brought out at Christmas. This makes them almost even more highly anticipated, and I guess also a bit special. The juicy little sausages, wrapped in salty, slightly crisp bacon go down… View Post