Note: the "goals" for each one was set by my dietitian.
Sodium was okay by this report but I didn’t add in the extra salt I added to my cabbage soup because I was craving it so badly! Even still, there were two days I didn’t get the recommended range of sodium. Three of those days, I had much more than I care to have on a personal level. I am finally able to lower my dose of Clonidine (for blood pressure and anxiety).
Carbohydrates were okay. If I were on a low carb diet, I would have loved this week. Three days I didn't reach my low mark of 50.
Fat was deficient. Only once did I reach above my low mark for fat intake.
Vitamin D was non-existent. Which may explain my tiredness all week. Nowhere in there did I get any Vitamin D at all. Although, this is a problem for me anyway. I have to take supplements for Vitamin D. But poor people can’t afford the vitamins they need. If I was working on feeding myself only on Food Stamps, I would have some serious health issues.
Fiber was deficient. My fiber intake for the week was lacking also. Not once did I hit the low range that my dietitian wants me to meet.
Food Stamps Challenge Thoughts
All in all, Michy was right! I was not getting enough nutrients for the week. Not enough calories, fat, vitamin D or Fiber.
Luckily, I do not survive each month on this kind of diet each month. Starting October 7th, I will be doing a week of what I really eat. I am still recovering from my Food Stamp Challenge.From The Baker's Acres! Read more at