Food Review: Mandira, London

By Emma @glasgowfoodie

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I'm a big fan of strained yoghurt. Not only is it tasty, but it's sugar free and full of healthy probiotics that are good for your tummy. So an invite to Mandira on London's Long Acre was more than welcome. Mandira specialise in yoghurt based meals along with filled Simit; a bagel style bread that is (thankfully) nothing like a bagel. Mandira also do breakfasts and regular specials with plans to introduce Kefir (a fermented milk drink) in the near future. But today I was here to sample their freshly made strained yoghurt.

First things first. Mandira is not dessert shop. The don't sell frozen yoghurt, though they do have some lovely sweet yoghurt. So time to think out of the strawberry pudding pot and experience some real yoghurt tastes.

There are a few seats, but the business of the day is take away.

A quick walk through Mandira's menu reveals a host of probiotic treats. coming in at £3:95 for a small bowl and £4:95 for a large bowl. Being a greedy guts I had tiny taster pots of everything... well I had to be fair.

Strained yoghurt is great for savouries. Use it anywhere you would use creme fraich (or mayonnaise) it's much lower in calories. So lets start with them.

Smoked salmon and Dill
Yoghurt is great with smoked fish. Think smoked salmon and cream cheese but much much better. This very tasty morsel would be perfect as a canapé or as a light lunch.Try this at home. Slice of smoked salmon, dollop of strained yoghurt, a bit of fresh herb and a splash of lemon. So simple its magic. A few prawns work equally well.

Avocado and Beetroot

Sweet and creamy. Another one that would make a great starter on canapé.

Cucumber and Mint

Did someone say Tzatziki... Raita? Sharp salt and pepper seasoning make this a great accompaniment for just about anything. And equally at home as a cooling mid afternoon dip.

Stuffed Vine Leafs and Green Grapes

The grape provides a lovely contrast to these bundles of lightly spiced rice spice. Seems they are a popular lunch time dish. I can see why.

Humus and Za'atar
Another great lunchtime choice. Filling and perfect with some toasted Simit slices.

Aubergine Puree and Tomato

Baba Ganoush with a yoghurt twist. Another filing and satisfying dish.

By now I was pretty full, but then there is always room for something sweet 🙂

Dark Chocolate and Orange
Dark chocolate flakes, orange flakes, crunchy pistachios, mint and honey on a yoghurt base. The mix of flavours and textures is great, and not a spoon of permitted artificial colourings and flavourings in sight.

Banana and Hazlenut
Maple syrup nuts and bananas. This would be perfect for breakfast or as a mid morning filler. The maple syrup adds a gentle sweetness.

Granola and Strawberry
The perfect all day breakfast.Cool fresh strawberries with a lovely oats crunch.

Blueberry and Green Apple
Another nice breakfast choice.

Raspberry and Walnut

Raspberry and walnuts with a hit of cinnamon. This shouldn't be healthy, but it is.

Mango and Pineapple
I have saved my favourite till last.

Fresh pineapple and mango are always a great combination. But the first thing you notice here is the star anise aroma. Dig deeper and the flavours just keep coming. And when you think its all over, a refreshing burst of basil arrives. Great.

All in all, I was impressed. I like strained yoghurt, I like simple fresh ingredients. Mandira do both very well.

You can find Mandira at:

78B Long Acre St. Covent Garden WC2E 9NG, London
Monday - Friday 8.00AM to 6.00PM
Saturday 10.00AM to 6.00PM
Sunday 10.00AM to 5.00PM

To find out more visit


+Lovely fresh ingredients

+Great flavours

+Lovely textures

+Healthy eating

-Having to choose

Fred sez this review is truthful even if he didn't get to try any of the creamy looking yoghurt.