Food and More Travel Prep

By Unefemme @DejaPseu

Artichokes at the marché in Aix-en-Provence

Ever since seeing these gorgeous purple artichokes at the farmer's market in Aix-en-Provence last year, I've been on the lookout for similar artichokes here.

Last week I spotted these at one of our local grocery stores. This is the time of year when artichokes are usually abundant and at their best, but I have been disappointed so far in this year's crop. It's been late coming in, and the chokes have been a bit tough and flavorless.
I can make a meal of an artichoke, and mayonnaise sprinkled with a bit of Lawry's Seasoned Salt is the preferred dip for the leaves. Growing up in the Santa Clara Valley, we were spoiled with the artichokes from nearby Castroville; they were as big as your head and 10 for $1.  Succulent and flavorful as all get out.
I'm planning to travel this time with just the iPad, rather than my laptop. I think I have the hang of the blogging app, and have downloaded a few photo editing apps to play with. The beauty of the iCloud system is that pictures I take with the phone are automatically available on the iPad. No downloading! I'll be posting here as I'm able, but will also be updating Instagram and Facebook regularly (as regularly as I have access to Wi-Fi), so do follow there for the complete travelogue.
Friday I'll share my travel wardrobe Polyvore On The Floor with you, so do check back. Any of you in the UK who may have any particular insight into weather for the next couple of weeks, please do chime in. I have only Weather Underground to rely on...
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