Follow Hops (5/4/12)

Posted on the 04 May 2012 by Shortskie @Shortskiee

*Leave a comment below with you're post. Follow and I'll follow back*Follow Friday (#17)Q: What is one thing you wish you could tell your favorite author?
Dear John Green, Could I borrow a piece of your genius? Literally, I'd give it back after catching a glimpse of the pure gorgeousness that is your inner workings.

 TGIF (#16)

Literary Vacations: If you could take a trip this summer to any place within a fictional book, where would you go? Tell us about your summer dream vacation!

I'd go to Hogwarts. I don't care if school is out for summer, I'd make it work damnit! I would fly my broom around the whole mofo school and back again! I'd learn my spells and talk to the paintings and speak with the ghosts and be nearly-headless Nick's best friend. I'd eat all the food, like there is no joke about that.