Foliage Follow-Up June 2014

By Alternativeeden @markngaz

Our Foliage Follow-up this month (a follow up to yesterday's Bloom Day) is going to be a bit unique. Instead of highlighting individual foliage plants I will be sharing instead a few snaps showing the interplay of foliage in our garden.

I mentioned yesterday that I felt I struggled a bit looking for a decent collection of flowering plants in our garden. As I was about to finish doing that post I realised that I didn't do too bad at all and I still came up with a sizable collection of what's in bloom for the month of June.

Foliage however, now that we don't have a shortage of. So much so that when thoughts of cataloguing individual plants growing in our garden I immediately dismiss it as that's going to be a huge task. Interesting but not worth my time (even my plant geekiness has its limits).

Just to spice this post up a bit I won't be naming any of the plants featured on the photos. Anyone out there up for the challenge of trying to name as many plant as they could from what can be seen on the photos?

We join Pam Pennick of Digging as she hosts Foliage Follow-Up for the month of June!

Mark :-)