Foliage Follow-Up – July 2013

By Patientgardener @patientgardener

I thought I would join in with Pam’s Foliage Follow Up meme which is on the 16th of each month.

This mont’s Foliage Follow-Up focuses on the ‘Japanese Fern Border’ which is becoming to come together.  In the top picture we have Saxifraga (something I can’t remember), Impatiens omeiana and in the foreground Aeonium hierrense.  The Aeonium is in a pot in front of the border as I realised rather late that it wasn’t coping with the intense sun so now it is nestling with a little shade.

Moving into the ferny bit of the border we have Athyrium (or Japanese Painted Fern).  This plant is recovering from its excursion to the show at the weekend where it was part of a group of three plants that won a second prize.

One of the smaller ferns, Polystochum Tsus-simense, which is looking very happy in its new location and is filling out well and I think it provides a nice contrast to the Athyrium.

Finally we have a temporary resident of the fern border.  This is Phlebodium aureum areolatum which has been surviving in the greenhouse for two years despite me.  I am ashamed to say that I have neglected it and it has struggled on under the staging.  I have discovered that cleaning up pots of plants is a good activity when its hot as it doesn’t require that much effort.  Having removed all the old foliage the plant is looking surprising good and I have nestled it amongst the permanent ferns for the summer.

For more Foliage Follow-up posts visit Pam’s blog Digging.