Foliage Follow Up – February 2014 – Succulents

By Patientgardener @patientgardener

Due to the perpetual rain I decided to take the easy option and take my foliage follow up photographs in the greenhouse.  The focus of this month’s post will be my small collection of tender succulents.  I didn’t intend to collect them I just kept buying them and now I find myself seeking out new aeoniums which I find particularly fascinating.  First up though is Echeveria elegans, one of my first succulents, which has filled its pot again this year and is in desperate need of dividing.  I think I might try to sell some of the divisions at the local HPS group.

Next up and obviously in need of a tidy up is Aloe aristata ‘Cathedral Peak’ given to me by my friend Rob and again in need of potting up which will of course make it too large to enter into the Malvern Spring show!

I think this next plant is classed as a succulent despite its furry foliage – Kalanchoe tomentosa. It’s apparently is fine outside down to -5 but I don’t think the rain we have had this year would do it any good so it is safely ensconced in the greenhouse with the other succulents.

Echeveria ‘Miranda’ with flowers beginning to appear. Another one that needs re-potting and dividing.  I can see I need to spend some time shortly in the greenhouse sorting these plants out.

Grander sounding is Echeveria ‘Duchess of Nuremberg’. The foliage seems to have suffered from drips from the greenhouse roof and unlike the other Echeverias it seems to be growing taller rather than wider.

Aeonium tabuliforme, my favorite succulent.  I am told it will produce a flower from the center soon and then die which will make me very sad.  I will looking for a replacement this year as this plant just makes me smile.

Strangely the Aeonium ‘Zwartkop’ has started to go green over the winter while it has been in the greenhouse.  I have no idea why as I have had these plants for a few years and they haven’t done this before.  It will be interesting to see if they brown up as summer comes.

The Aeoniums seem to be multiplying, this one is Aeonium arboreum x holochrysum which is quite elegant with its long leaved rosettes.

Finally, Aeonium hierennse with more rounded leafs although you can see the family similarities in the last three plants.

Hopefully next month there will be some outside foliage to include.  For more foliage posts visit Pam at Digging.  I would say there will be lots of agaves but last time I said that she did an agave free post!