Foliage Follow-up – April 2014

By Patientgardener @patientgardener

Fatsia Spidersweb

This month’s foliage post features some new acquisitions, some of which are destined for the new hardy exotic border.  I am particularly pleased with the Fatsia Spidersweb which I bought from Cotswold Garden Flowers the other week.  I have been considering  buying one since the end of last year but as I already have two fatsias I thought one more would be one too many.  But then whats another Fatsia especially when the foliage is as wonderful as above.

Tetrapanax papyrifer rex

To go alongside the Fatsia I have splashed out on a Tetrapanax papyrifer rex.  I have never grown one of these before and it is more borderline than I am used to risking in the border but I love the foliage and I think it’s a must for the new border.

Asarum splendens

I do like the Asarum with its mottled and crumpled leaves.  For some reason when I look at this photograph I am reminded of a frog but maybe I need to have some more sleep.

Sciadopitys verticillata

Another new acquisition, back in February when I visited RHS Wisley, is this Sciadopitys verticillata.  This plant isn’t destined for the new border but for a large pot on the steps.  I just couldn’t resist the texture of the spines, they are very tactile.

Finally, some hostas which are really making their presence felt at the moment. I have had this variety of hosta for years and it has moved house with me at least once, if not twice and I have absolutely no idea what variety it is.  I also don’t know if this variety is particularly obnoxious to slugs but it rarely gets eaten even in a wet summer.

For more foliage posts pop over to Pam’s Digging site – I am predicting there will be Agaves but no doubt lots of other wonderful plants, many of which will be new to me.