Foggy Morning

By Gail Aguiar @ImageLegacy

This is what the back field looked like at 7 o’clock in the morning: foggy, with a temperature of around 9C. The coldest temperatures at night these days have been anywhere from 9-15C, and when I opened the window to take this photo, I definitely felt a wave of chill at the lower end of that spectrum. But the daytime temperatures have been fabulous (20s), so who am I to complain? I can still walk the dog in a t-shirt and no socks.

Inquiring expats write to me asking about Portuguese winter, and this data is available online. But what that data won’t tell you is how you’ll adjust to it, because it depends on your housing and what you consider cold. Are you used to humid cold (UK winters) or dry cold (inland Canada winters)? If you have a Scandinavian regard for winter, you will have all the technical gear to outfit you for getting caught in an avalanche and engage in every winter sport invented. Then a Finnish person will tell you it’s not cold. For the rest of us, I wrote this post.

November 11, 2015
Album: Portugal [Autumn 2015]

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