Focus On… Those Once-in-a-lifetime Aisle Moments: at the Altar

By Claire

Aisle moments — at the altar. This cap­tures the tri­umphant spirit of the moment! A mag­i­cal mem­ory and per­haps one the bride and groom missed on the day but guests will always remem­ber with a smile! Photo credit Ed Clay­ton Photography

If you read the first of these blog posts — Focus On… the moments that really make a wed­ding — then you’ll know I’m try­ing to to rein­force the fact that wed­dings are all about love, moments and mem­o­ries. Details can be impor­tant, yes. But these blog fea­tures are here to show you that no mat­ter how many fab­u­lous details you buy, make or hire for your wed­ding, your mem­o­ries will be of mag­i­cal moments.

I asked wed­ding pho­tog­ra­phers across the UK to send me their favorite images of ‘aisle moments’ — and they sent dozens and dozens of gor­geous pho­tos. They proved to me that this is one of the most mag­i­cal and mem­o­rable parts of any wedding.

Imag­ine your big day for a sec­ond: he waits at the end of the aisle for you. Per­haps his back is turned, or per­haps he hears you and turns slowly towards you. His eyes light up. He might flash a delighted grin, or you might see a tear in his eye. The moment you reach your husband-to-be, he takes your hand and whis­pers “you’re beau­ti­ful” or “I love you”. It’s a mem­ory you’ll both share for­ever. Cap­tured on cam­era, it becomes a mem­ory you can look back on and keep crys­tal clear in your minds.

My top ten favorite aisle moments: at the altar

Aisle moments — at the altar. A radi­ant smile as eyes meet at the altar. I love this photo — it’s what wed­dings are all about. Photo credit Vick­er­staff Photography

Aisle moments — at the altar. Pure love in this beau­ti­ful image of Laura and Jamie’s wed­ding. Photo credit Sam Clay­ton Pho­tog­ra­phy — click to see the full wed­ding on Eng­lish Wed­ding Blog!

Aisle moments — at the altar. This look says “can you believe we’re here!” and both groom and bride look so full of hap­pi­ness — I just love it. Photo credit Phil Drinkwa­ter Photography

Aisle moments — at the altar. As the bride walks down the aisle she’s glow­ing with hap­pi­ness. The father of the bride looks proud and more solemn — he’s giv­ing his lit­tle girl away, a moment he’s waited for since the day she was born. Photo credit Neale James

Aisle moments — at the altar. A delighted and lov­ing “you may kiss the bride” moment — and such a ten­der and beau­ti­ful image. I love the registrar’s hand poised mid-clap on the right hand side of the frame. Another moment to be remem­bered for­ever! Photo credit Mis­ter Phill

Aisle moments — at the altar. The expres­sions of bride and groom in this image are sim­ply won­der­ful: nerves, excite­ment and real hap­pi­ness with all guests watch­ing and a seri­ous expres­sion from Dad — a bril­liant photo! Photo credit James and Lianne

Aisle moments — at the altar. This image shows such ten­der­ness — a meet­ing of eyes and a look of pure love and being lost in the moment. Photo credit Fiona Camp­bell Photography

Aisle moments — at the altar. The smiles say it all — he’s proud and happy to see his bride. She’s delighted and hav­ing the best day of her life! Dad is about to let go of his lit­tle girl — but proud and happy! Photo credit Simon Hudspeth

Aisle moments — at the altar. I love this — a ner­vous groom with the sup­port of fam­ily and friends. Every­one focuses on him, as his bride realises he’s a lit­tle over­whelmed by the occa­sion! Photo credit Neale James

Aisle moments — at the altar. A lit­tle touch of fore­heads is so roman­tic — and another for­ever mem­ory. The sense of occa­sion is cap­tured within the frame of the stained glass win­dows; the vicar’s expres­sion is warm and happy. Photo credit Simon Biffen

I love writ­ing these blog posts and shar­ing the images with you. I hope they leave you feel­ing warm and happy — they really do make me feel proud to be a wed­ding blogger!

Images like this remind me that details aren’t the most impor­tant part of a wed­ding, and that end­less hours spent plan­ning don’t mat­ter as much as some wed­ding blogs and mag­a­zines seem to sug­gest. The mem­o­ries you’ll trea­sure are of eyes meet­ing, tears at the altar, proud fam­i­lies and those first whis­pered words as you meet on your wed­ding day.

With thanks for the images above to the fol­low­ing wed­ding photographers