Flying with an 11 Month Old (aka a Crawling Won’t Sit Still Baby) | Family Travel

By Newmummyblog @newmummyblog

We’ve just flown on holiday to Lanzarote, a four hour flight with Baby B, who turned 11 months, and H, who is 3.5 years old. We were quite dubious as to how flying with an 11 month old and 3 year old, aka the threenager, would go. Specifically how B who started moving at 5.5 months, crawling everywhere and cruising the furniture constantly, would cope. We were also unsure as for the week before she’d been trying to take her first steps; doing that I’ll just let go and launch myself at you thing. Well, we are safely here in Lanzarote and I can say the flight went well. How? Well we took some supplies for the airplane, followed our tried and tested plane strategies, some I used flying with Toddler H, and some new. Our Flight We chose a 6am flight, figuring we’d all have slept a bit, then the girls would be tired and catch up on sleep on the airplane. Did it work? Yes, for baby B – although she did cry for half an hour of our car trip to the airport (at 3.30am!). She had two good naps on the airplane though so it worked […]